Year 3 – Blue Class

Year 3 Teacher

Mr Olaniran


My name is Mr Olaniran and I am currently the year 3 teacher.

We will be taking a journey through the beginning of British history, starting in the Stone Age, time travelling into the Roman Empire and learning how the Anglo-Saxons influenced Britain. Our geography topics will take us on a tour of Britain in our ‘United’ topic, finding ‘Somewhere to Settle’ and taking an explosive journey around ‘Extreme Earth’! I can’t wait to share all of our exciting topics.

More highlights of the topics we teach are: ‘Light’ and ‘Animals including Humans’ in Science’, ‘Photograph Frames’ and British Art’ in Art and D&T and studying the Glockenspiel in music.

Across the whole year, we motivate and reward children for putting in 100% effort.

Check back here regularly for class letters, learners of the week and more.

Letters home

What we’ve been doing

Notes and reminders

Long Term Plan (LTP)